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Youth Libraries Group

Be part of the story…  

The Youth Libraries Group is an active, vibrant member organisation for library and information professionals with an interest in services for children and young people.  Our network stretches across the United Kingdom and supports the development and delivery of quality and innovative library offers for children and young people.  YLG is a special interest group of CILIP, the library and information association.

With thousands of members from a wide range of workplaces, our group is a welcoming and informative networking base.  Twelve sub-committees across the UK means we are one of the largest and liveliest special interest groups in CILIP.

What we do

We engage in a range of social and professional development activities that innovate, excite and inspire colleagues.

  • Promote excellence in children’s and young people’s literature with the most prestigious children’s book awards in the UK – The Carnegies.
  • Advocate quality provision of public and school library services to children and young people by sharing best practice.
  • Inspire, support and represent all working on or with library services for children and young people  through our conference, publications,  meetings and training courses.
  • Provide specialist expertise,  to CILIP, the government, the book trade and related professions on issues relating to books, reading and library services for children.

Create opportunities to network with colleagues and those in related professions.

Be part of the community…

Annual Conference

Conference is a fun, lively occasion that sets the current agenda for libraries and all working to promote reading for children and young people, ensuring proactive response to key national priorities.  It provides essential continuing professional development with:

  • Inspirational
    speakers, seminars, practical workshops and exhibitions
  • The
    chance to enhance knowledge of the best children’s books, network with
    publishers and meet favourite authors and illustrators

The opportunity to share good practice and make contact with fellow practitioners and acknowledged experts in their field.

Be part of history… 

The Carnegies

The Youth Libraries Group are integral to the running of the Carnegie Medals. All CILIP members have the opportunity to nominate books for each Medal and YLG regional sub-groups run special nomination days to explore and celebrate the wonderful children’s books in contention for the Medals each year to contribute to rich and diverse nominations. Each YLG sub-group across the UK is represented on the judging panel and are recruited via an open application process.

Be part of the conversation… 

Youth Library Review

Youth Library Review is the official journal of YLG and is published annually in spring.  It is full of articles, features, letters and comments on the issues that really matter to all those committed to children’s literature and libraries.  YLG actively encourages submissions and news from members.


YLG publishes practical guides on the important current issues for library services for children and young people and other occasional publications.

Membership Benefits:

  • Youth Library Review
  • Membership discounts on publications, training and conference fees
  • A supportive network of fellow practitioners
  • Local training and events
  • Monthly newsletter and giveaways
  • The YLG website and e-list
  • Helping to set and respond to the National agenda
  • All this and much, much more!

We would love for you to be part of the story!

Get in touch at Chair.YLG@cilip.org.uk.