Bellerive Bookies and Cookies
Crossing the Line
It was scary. Terrifying and honestly just shocking. I did feel very bad for Erik (and Michael) but honestly l felt very bad for Erik the most. Having to deal with all the pressure is hard (and annoying). And what annoys me the most is that now he'll never feel safe, or be safe. Overall it was a very amazing book! I couldn't leave it and when l finished one page l most definitely wanted to know what happened next!
Steady for This
This book was a roller coaster. It worried me one second then the other second l was laughing then the other second l was worried once again. I enjoyed this book it was funny and growls sure is stupid! I loved the characters (of course except the people who get in the way of things going smoothly) and l deeply loved the relationships between the families! I loved this book! It was quite snappy as it was rappy!
The Boy Lost in the Maze
This was absolutely amazingly wow-ful. A few times l looked at the ground and found my jaw, the characters point of view did confuse me a couple of times but l managed to deal with that just fine! It was literally soooooooooooooo cool! It was breath taking, each new page made me more and more AND MORE! engrossed in reading it! It was wonderful.
Safiyyah's War
This book made me feel a thousand if not a million emotions in each second. The main character was a brave and courageous little girl it made me feel upset after reading everything awful she had heard or seen or went through. This book was lovely.
The Door of No Return
It felt real. This book felt like l was actually there in that moment in that scene witnessing what was happening. (By that scene l mean the BRUTAL scenes). It delivers a very strong message and l think it would be "be grateful for what you have". The book was honestly amazing! It was a new world!
The Song Walker
This book was honestly a whole new world. I loved every single thing about this book. I loved the friendship l loved the realisation (at the end) l loved how everything is described l loved EVERYTHING! this book is very adventurous! And one of it's main focus is probably friendship. I would 1000000% recommend this book for non-readers AND readers!
To the Other Side
This book reminds me of the relationship I have with my younger brother and is a really good picture to have
The Wilderness
this book teaches us not to be scared of everything and there is always something good about it.
Choose Love
This book is one of the deepest books l have ever read. It talks about war and it pains me to know how many people suffer every single year because of war. It hurts me deeply knowing that there are people still probably suffering because of war and l can't do anything but wish for the best. I loved this book, it shows the suffering of people going through war and how some may have came to another country whilst others just cruelly get rejected on entering a country.
This book is very heart warming and I like how the girl gave the polar bear a present when it got back home
Away With Words
I loved it! It shows the struggle of adapting to a whole new life and leaving your old one, which is honestly upsetting but at the end everything finally just gets sorted out! I loved this book ! Would definitely recommend it.